In the wake of the celebrations of the International Year of Family Farming, a series of events are being organized throughout Portugal (more info here).
The Sociedade Portuguesa de Estudos Rurais (SPER); the Associação Portuguesa de Economia Agrária (APDEA); the Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra (ESAC); the Direção Regional de Agricultura e Pescas do Centro (DRAPC); the Associação para o Desenvolvimento e Cooperação (ACTUAR) and the Confederação Nacional da Agricultura (CNA) are organizing the Seminar ‘Policies for the Sustainability of Family Farming’ at ESAC’s Auditorium (in Coimbra), next 4th June 2014, with the presence of several researchers and practitioners.
Admission is free, but registration is required and it’s limited to the capacity of the Auditorium. Applications will be accepted until 30th May 2014.
More info and a detailed programme can be found here.